Comments on: Does Europe have a problem with Islam? Sat, 03 Jul 2010 21:57:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: fm Sat, 03 Jul 2010 21:57:40 +0000

“Confining all the discrimination and struggle to a narrow umbrella of religion–seems hasty and immature.”

Precisely what I am saying!

“…and if you think that’s an exaggeration just look at how black players are treated in soccer matches with gorilla sounds made by audiences and bananas thrown on them during matches”

Seriously?!!!! Did this actually happen?

By: Unimpressed Mon, 21 Jun 2010 09:24:30 +0000 “Europe is one of the greatest forces for social justice and human-rights on the world stage,”

This is simply untrue. Europeans are a paranoid racist lot with a despicable record of terrorism, colonial and barbarism around the world. It is not simply about Muslims, but anyone who is not white. I speak from personal experience as a Hindu who’s been to Europe many times to visit friends and family.
Most Europeans express openly racist beliefs, and if you think that’s an exaggeration just look at how black players are treated in soccer matches with gorilla sounds made by audiences and bananas thrown on them during matches.

Europeans are a racist, disagreeable, mean and nasty group of people who can’t get along with anybody. History is a testament to this.

By: XY Mon, 14 Jun 2010 13:27:00 +0000 This essay has an interesting title. I for a moment stepped into the shoes of the other side and had a thought. Does Islam has a problem with Europe? or with the world?
Europe had a long history and had problem with so many groups thoughout its long history–Jews, Witches, heretics, “Barbarians”, etc etc…you can expand the list!

If the Swiss banned a minaret, its more an architectural issue primarily I think. There’s no ban on practising or propagating Islam..and the repeated statement that “the swiss banned minarets” makes the “mobocratic” groups who cant even locate Switzerland on a map–to vandalise the streets, jump into the fray and demonise the Swiss as if they are out to kick the muslims out of Switzerland. How many of these “opposers” understand the intricacies of the Swiss democracy based on referendum? Even to build a bridge, lay a road, raise a tax or permit a big complex…the Swiss have referenda. And the level of participation differs from one canton to another.

The essay also seems to assume that every immigrant is by default a ‘Muslim’. Maybe they comprise the largest group, but this no way identifies the struggles faced by immigrants on a day to day or a long term basis–whether Islamic or not. Confining all the discrimination and struggle to a narrow umbrella of religion–seems hasty and immature.

I also think that the communities stop playing the “victimhood” drama in each and every incident happening…not only in Europe, but all over the world, and start getting a life, appreciate and respect the host’s cultures and concentrate on larger issues of life.

“A consensus between European and Islamic values would go a great distance in bridging the gap that seems to have opened up between the Islamic and Western world in the past decade.”–this line fails to clarify as to how European values are a hindrance to “bridging the gap”–being a non-European, I still consider the levels of laws and principles (Rule of Law) in Europe definitely among the highest in the world.

I am not supporting any of the groups here…I would just say each of the groups need a deep introspection before pointing the finger at the other.

By: oliver Fri, 12 Feb 2010 09:54:31 +0000 I don’t think Europe has any problem, not even the people itself. Only some right-wing politicans like Strache etc. use the instrument of fear to produce a xenophobic atmosphere.
There might be a point, that everyone’s skeptical about cross-religious marriages, as charlie argued, but I wouldn’t be, and many of my friends wouldn’t, my parents wouldn’t.
I often ask myself, how can people believe Strache etc. although they haven’t experienced any problems he mentions (or probably constructs). I was once beaten to hospital by (I think) immigrants, but that’s no reason for me to change my way of thinking, and I think every different “culture” or people from other countries, are an invaluable enhancement.
Interestingly, even the more “integrated” immigrants are against new immigrants, often supporting the hatred of Strache … I can just shake my head about that, but I don’t think it will change to the better in the next few years 🙁

By: Sameer Akhter Fri, 12 Feb 2010 09:49:00 +0000 I found the bit on guest worker in Germany interesting. The GCC countries give NO rights to immigrants, be them Muslim or otherwise.

By: iantyr Wed, 10 Feb 2010 16:55:19 +0000 an interesting case to look at is also the underwear bomber case, where it is alleged that he was radicalized in london… he was a student in UoL anyway…. and recently in London also, in LSE exactly, there were fears of a teaching assistant spreading radical views in the classes he conducts…. which managed to cause quite a stir in LSE and in London…..
